Welcome to the Eastlakes Zone Secondary Schools Sports Association Website.


We hope this website is a useful means by which both parents and students can keep informed about key sporting events and activities related to the Zone.

The Zone consists of six member schools and aims to provide a range of sporting opportunities for students through gala days, trials and member participation in annual swimming, cross country and athletics carnivals.


Students also have the opportunity for selection in Zone teams where they compete at Hunter Region carnivals and can progress further to NSW Combined High Schools (NSWCHS) carnivals.


Students can also trial through the Eastlakes zone for representation in some Zone teams in individual and team sports and represent at Hunter Region and NSWCHS level.


The 6 member schools include:

  • Belmont High School
  • Hunter Sports High School
  • Lake Munmorah High School
  • Swansea High School
  • Warners Bay High School
  • Whitebridge High School


Our focus is to encourage and nurture positive sports participation between schools in a climate of sportsmanship, respect and enjoyment.